Desktop version>Home page -
Desktop version>About Us -
Desktop version>Dry Clean 101 -
Desktop version>Contact Us -
Desktop version>Some of Our Customers -
Desktop version>Prices -
Mobile version>Home page with menu -
Mobile version>About Us -
Mobile version>Dry Clean 101 -
Mobile version>Contact Us -
Mobile version>Some of Our Customers -
Mobile version>Prices
The Corporate Image Mobile Dry Cleaning
The Corporate Image Mobile Dry Cleaning offers the Inland Empire the convenience of dry cleaning services without the hassle of having to find and locate a dry cleaner. The Corporate Image will arrive to your home, work, or where ever you may be.
Pixelbee developed The Corporate Image website using WordPress to manage their content. Using HTML and CSS, the website is optimized depending on the user’s screen. If the screen is viewed on smartphones, a simplified version of the site will be displayed, and includes buttons to easily contact or locate the shop. Other users will be able to view the full-featured site. The combination of WordPress and HTML/CSS allows The Corporate Image to create content once and optimize the viewing experience based on their customers needs. Yelp! integration was also added to increase their visibility and to allow customers to the chance to leave comments on the popular website.